LETSI, the International Federation for Learning, Education, and Training Systems Interoperability, has seen a huge international response to its July solicitation for input on the future of eLearning and the next generation of SCORM. SCORM, the Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is the de facto international software standard for learning systems interoperability. Ninety-five formal white papers were submitted and posted for public comment at www.letsi.org/scorm2. Informal comments and suggestions from emails and blog posts were also accumulated and posted on the wiki.
Contributions came from government, academic, and industry experts in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Latin America. "We are pleased to see such a diverse group of industries coming together with LETSI to solve interoperability challenges. This global effort clearly demonstrates the industry's commitment and its desire to see a universal, collaborative effort to support the future of SCORM," stated Peter Lefkin, COO/CFO of the IEEE's Industry Standards and Technology Organization (ISTO).